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Ledger Page 65


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ing them to keep open and in repair all public roads passing through their respective districts.

  Ordered that Court adjourn until Court in Course,
     Robt. McCord
     William Nelson
     Ransom Gaer

     At a Special Court Met and held  at Greenville on Monday  the 7th day of April 1826.  Present the Honorable Robert McCord, William Nelson (and) Ransom Gaer, Judges.

     A petition of Sundry Inhabitants being presented to Court being read praying for an amendment to the alton road (viz) that part of the road running through the bottom of the east side of the east fork of Shoal Creek, & that said petition be read on tomorrow.

     A remonstrance being presented to Court praying for the Vacation of Gillespie road, being read.  Ordered to be read again tomorrow at 12 o’clock.

    Court adjourned till Tomorrow twelve o'clock.  Robt. McCord.


     Court Met according to adjournment Present the Honorable, Robert McCord, William Nelson, (and) Ransom Gaer, Judges.

        Orders Issued

     According to the prayer of Sundry petitioners praying for a part of the Alton road commencing at the bluff on the East side of the East fork of Shoal Creek running through the bottom on the present way, requesting that part of the old way to be repealed and a new way opened passing on better ground to intersect the Alton road on the west side of said Creek so as to make the said Alton road Considerable better and easier kept in repair and that John Montgomery, Esqr., Richard White, and Samuel White Tanner, be and is hereby appointed viewers of said new road, and reports to our Court at their June term next.

     Ordered that a remonstances read on yesterday be read on today, and be further ordered that said Remonstrance be read on the first day of the next term on the first Monday of June next which remonstrance prays for the discontinuance of a road commencing at or near the South west corner of Town five north, ran a four west thence crossing Shoal Creek at Gillespie ford; thence near Aquilla Suggs, John Montgomery’s & Richard White, and intersecting the Alton road Between Dr. Perrin’s (sic) place and where Thomas White Sr. formerly lived.

     Ordered that Court adjourn until Court is in Course.  William Nelson


     At a County Commissioners Court held at Greenville on the first Monday in June in the Year of our Lord 1826.  Present the honorable Robert McCord, William Nelson, (and) Ransom Gaer, Judges.

    A petition of Sundry citizens being read praying for the review of a part of the Sangamon road running by Jonathan Berry’s Esqr.  Leaving said Berry West of said review which route is considered to pass on much better ground and something nearer.  Ordered to be read again on Tomorrow. 

     Ordered that Hugh McReynolds, Hezekiah Archer, and William Downing be and is hereby appointed Judges of an Election to be holden at Greenville on the first Monday of August next. 

     Ordered  that Jonathan Berry Esqr., David McCord, and Andrew Finley be and is hereby appointed Judges of an Election to be holden in McCords precinct on the first Monday of August next. 

      Ordered that the report of Samuel Hunter, Samuel Houston, and Robert Denny, Review of a road be entered on Record.

     We the undersigned having abeen appointed by the County Commissioners Court of Bond County Viewers of a road leading from Greenville by the bridge on the Sangamon road, from thence to John White’s, to the meeting house near Mrs. Laughlin’s, from thence to the Montgomery County line, on a direction to Hillsborough having performed that duty, Beg leave to in form the Court that we do not consider it necessary to open a road on that route, as there is a road Already opened out to the same point, that we believe as near, or nearer, and on(e) equally as good, or better than a road can be had on the about route.  Saml Hunter, Saml. Houston, and R.W. Denny   June 1th 1826.


     Ordered that the following persons serve as Grand Jurors at the next Circuit Court to be holden at Greenville on the third Monday of September next., viz. Alexander Denny 1, William Finley  2, John Shaw 3, Samuel Parr 4, William Stewart 5, John N. Laughlin 6, James Robinson 7, John White 8, John Ellis 9, John Hopton 10, Benjamin Henson 11, Shadrock Denson 12, Robert McCord 2nd 13,  John T. Hill 14, Ezekial Enloe 15, Thomas Brown 16, Samuel Hunter 17, John Carson 18, Samuel Lee, Sen., 19, William Nelson 20, John McAdams 21, James Smith 22,  James Durley 23, Moses Henton  24.

     Ordered that the following persons Serve as petit Jurors at the next Circuit Court to be holden at Greenville on the third Monday in September next, vis., Jonathan Berry, Esq., 1,  Isaac W> Robinson 2, Benjamin Arnold 3, Jacob Prickett 4, Robert Plant 5, Joshua Barker 6, James Johnston 7, John Edwards 8,  Joseph Harness 9, John Stewart  10, James Barnethy 11, Aaron Thompson 12, Elisha Freeman 13, Thomas G. Gillham 14, Hezekiah Archer 15, Harris Foster 16, Andrew Carson 17, Alexander Mollix 18, James D. Armstrong 19, David Hubbard 20, Philip Hubbard 21, Peter Long 22, Elisha Blanchard 23, Vance L. Davidson 24.

     Ordered that Jacob B. Drake be allowed the sum of nine dollars in Specie or its equivalent in State paper for rent of house for office, commencing the first of June 1825, and ending the first of June 1826.

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